Prince William’s Earthshot Prize Finalists Announced

The winners of Prince William’s Earthshot Prize were announced at an extravagant ceremony in Singapore. The Duke of Cambridge, who founded the prize in 2020 to protect and restore our planet, was present at the awards ceremony held at the Theatre Mediacorp. He was joined by the prize’s host Hannah Waddingham, who wore a long black sparkling ball gown with a green sash that matched the thick green carpet they walked down.

The three winning teams are working on technology that will help reduce carbon emissions by improving the energy efficiency of buildings and cars. Another team is developing software that will make it easier to track the movement of wildlife, while a third team is working on a platform for data-driven decision making in water management and conservation. The total prize fund of $7.5 million includes $5 million for the winner. The three finalists will also receive grants to accelerate their work.

One of the finalists is a Malaysian-Singaporean businessman who has developed technology that allows farmers to use sensors to monitor their fields and detect disease in livestock. The company he co-founded has developed a mobile application that can automatically send alerts to the farmers when it detects that livestock have been affected by diseases such as foot-and-mouth and bluetongue. It has already helped save thousands of livestock from being killed.

Another entrepreneur is an Asian-Australian whose technology will help to increase the number of fruit trees grown in China by tracking their health and growth. The system uses blockchain, a secure and transparent digital ledger, to record the provenance and identity of the tree and its grower. It also tracks the progress of the tree through the supply chain, enabling it to be tracked from farm to market. It will enable Chinese companies to import high-quality fruit and compete with international markets.

The final entrepreneur is a Singaporean who has created a social enterprise that helps young people discover their passion and talents through the art of filmmaking. Her efforts have been recognised with a host of accolades, including the Global Citizen Award from the United Nations Environment Programme in 2022. Her latest project, a documentary called The Red Line, will be shown at the Sundance Film Festival in the US this year.

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