Myrtha Hong Kong Pools

With plenty of public swimming pools, pools in residential complexes and pools at member’s clubs (plus, let’s not forget the ultimate pool – the ocean), Hong Kong doesn’t suffer from a shortage of fabulous pools. But the latest one taking center stage may be the most stunning pool ever to grace this city of islands.

The city’s new aquatics center in Victoria Park features two swimming pools that use Myrtha technology. The patented technology allows for high quality, state-of-the-art pools that meet FINA’s regulations. The pool’s innovative design also aims to reduce water and energy consumption.

This is the first time that Myrtha’s technology has been used to construct a swimming pool in Hong Kong. The project was designed to be a model for future public swimming pools around the world, and to help raise the standards of Hong Kong’s existing facilities.

The pool’s unique shape is meant to resemble a seashell, with the interior of the building made of glass and an external structure of metal. The pool’s interior is designed with curved surfaces and walls to minimize glare, while the exterior is clad in a reflective skin that helps keep the building cool. The building’s roof, designed by Birdair, is a translucent insulated tensile membrane with an R-value of 4.90.

In addition to the main pool, there are also three smaller training and teaching pools, along with four waterslides. The toddlers’ pool is filled with whimsical water installations, including mushroom- and tree-shaped fountains. For adults, there is a relaxation pool with an outdoor deck, as well as a fitness room with panoramic views of the cityscape.

One thing that’s not for children, however: the adult pool’s whirlpool. Located near the entrance to the main pool, this whirlpool is perfect for relaxing after a long day of swimming. The pool also has a bar and food outlet.

The only negative is that this is a pay-to-enter swimming pool. If you’re a regular swimmer, I recommend getting a membership card to save money on the admission fee. If you’re planning on visiting the pool, it’s best to plan ahead and book your tickets online or over the phone.

Visitors can swim in most of the public pools, but the best and most popular is at Wan Chai Sports Ground. There are several 50m pools, and there are three sessions each day: 6:30am-12:00, 1:00-6:00, and 7:00-10:00pm. The entrance fee is $19 per session, and a locker is included – insert a HK$5 coin to activate it, or lock it with your own padlock.