Domino is a game of chance and skill. A domino set consists of small rectangular tiles that are arranged in a line so that when one is tipped over it will trigger the same action in all the others. This is what gives the game its name – the domino effect, a term that can be applied either literally (a series of physical collisions) or metaphorically to describe the way that a single action can have far-reaching consequences.
A typical domino set includes a number of different colored and numbered tiles. The pips (small dots) on the tiles are used to identify them and indicate their value. Some sets include a domino with no pips, which is called a blank or zero. Most modern dominoes are made of plastic or a hard material like bone or silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell, but some sets of traditional dominoes are made of wood, stone, ivory, or even gold. The pips on the sides of the dominoes are often inlaid or painted with various colors, creating a pattern that is unique to each set.
The most common use for a domino is in positional games, in which each player takes turns laying dominoes edge to edge against those already on the table. Each domino must match up with another on its left or right side, and the ends of each must touch if they are to be counted. The shape of the chain develops snake-line as players place their tiles, and the player who plays the first tile must lay a domino with two matching ends perpendicular to that double.
A seasoned domino artist like Hevesh can create mind-blowing designs that take several nail-biting minutes to fall. She follows a version of the engineering-design process in creating her installations, testing each section before putting it all together.
Hevesh starts her work by considering the theme or purpose of the domino installation, brainstorming images or words that might be appropriate. Then she makes a plan for how the dominoes will be arranged, and how many she needs to make the design.
She then tests out the setup by placing a few dominoes on the table and moving them around in a random manner to ensure that everything will work correctly when the final setup is completed. Finally, she starts constructing the actual dominoes.
In the game of domino, each player draws a hand of seven tiles. The person who played the first tile goes first, and then each player in turn lays a domino onto an open space on the line. The first domino to reach the end of the line wins. If a player cannot play a tile, they must draw another from the unused dominoes.
When playing on a flat surface, it is important that the tiles are well-spaced so that they can be stood upright. Most of the time this is done on a table, but if there is no suitable surface available the tiles can be laid on a piece of cardboard or another flat surface. It is also helpful if the tiles are on a smooth, even surface so that they can be easily identified by their pips.